Rebekah Hinton

Director of Community Impact


Rebekah has lived in Upstate New York all her life and has worked in the non-profit sector here in Tompkins County since 2006, working with children, youth, and families.  She has a AS in Early Childhood Education from TC3, and a BA in Human Development and MA in Social and Public Policy, both from SUNY Empire State College.  She is passionate about work that supports and empowers the families and individuals of our community.  When not at work, Rebekah spends her time with her family and supporting her son in his activities.

Rebekah’s Why:
I grew up in a low socioeconomic status neighborhood, and have always been aware that many people in the world struggle with so many things and often do not get the support they need.  My mother taught me the importance of the mitzvah, which is a Hebrew word meaning “good deed”.  We do mitzvot, “good deeds”,  not to get reward or recognition, but because it is the right thing to do.  As an adult, I have spent my career educating young children, and providing support and advocacy to youth and families.  Here at the United Way, I can provide support to the wonderful organizations of our county that do the good work with our residents, and together we can work to make the community better for all.